“Fuck Anyone Who’s Not a Sea Blob” is a layered statement in that everyone has an amoebic or fluid feeling inside of them — it’s a matter of whether or not you’re tapped into acknowledging it.
Swimming In A Lagoon Of Sea Blobs is the opening piece in the Sea Blob series. The objective of the four part series is introduce the concept of memetic influences and how they’ve hijacked our decision making process. Before we attempt to address the problems and opportunities that confront us, whether they be individually or collectively as a society, we have embrace the concept of fluidity and change. We need to ‘clear the debris’ from our cerebral foundation in order to realize who we really are. Until then, we’re little more than avatars consisting of memes, norms and expectations that others have thrust upon us.
You can find the piece Swimming In A Lagoon Of Sea Blobs on the Medium site, Road To Your Perfect World.
Brilliant piece of writing my friend...thanks for the brain candy.